Get Your “Health Wheels” Turning
July 2, 2020 4:18 pm“Returning to normal” is a sweeping statement at the best of times and has unique meaning to each of us. In current times life as it was when 2020 began, barely seven months ago, is greatly changed and we are left navigating our way to a new “normal”.
To get to where we want to be from this point we need to be the most emotionally resilient, resourceful, calm, optimistic and vital version of ourselves possible, free to live our fullest and happiest life.
If these last months have left you or someone you know experiencing health issues that are physical, emotional or mental, now is the time to get the right kind of expertise to get back on track. Common symptoms that have risen greatly include chronically feeling unwell related to Covid-19 and other causes, exhaustion and low energy, mood swings, anxiety and feelings of overwhelm, eating / sleeping changes, worry, irritability and poor concentration.
One of the advantages of our times is the massive availability of all modes and methodologies of health care. Many chronic conditions are much more responsive to Eastern Practices and Methodology (than Classical Medicine); our uniqueness is central to this philosophy and though we may share signs and symptoms with other people, our therapeutic needs to re-establish health and wellness are not the same for any two people.
Contact me via email – to find out more or book an appointment.
Jan-Marie Bisiker,
Practitioner Kinesiologist
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